Should gay marriage be legal? On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is a right protected by the US Constitution in all 50 states.
Why “Gay Marriage” Is Wrong . by Robert A. J. Gagnon, Ph.D. (July 2004) A shortened version of this essay will appear in the September issue of Presbyterians
You are here: Opinion Proving Gay Marriage Wrong ⇑ back to “Opinion ” But do not be distracted. Gay marriage makes no sense even as a secular institution.
Jun 25, 2015 · Additionally, we can expect both civil and governmental actions against religious institutions that refuse to honor gay marriage as a civil right.
10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Wrong {1,168 Comments} on April 6, 2015. Also Check Out: Damn Hipsters Ruined Everything Cat Hair Hats Matthew 14:22-33
Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Wrong . By Jan LaRue, Chief Counsel Concerned Women for America. Homosexuals are seeking a special right. They already have the same
Ten Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Wrong. 1,106 Comments. Top 15 Popular Posts Best Cat Tweets Stupid Design Mistakes Correct Spelling Is Important Thoughts Revealed
Defending traditional marriage in New York CityThese ten reasons why homosexual “marriage” is harmful and must be opposed will help you to defend marriage as the
What’s wrong with letting same-sex “I’d be for marriage if I thought gay people would challenge and change the institution and not buy into the
These 10 answers will help you refute the arguments commonly used by the homosexual movement to force same-sex “marriage” on America.