Himura Kenshin, known as the legendary hitokiri of the Meiji Revolution, Himura Battōsai (緋村抜刀斎), is the main protagonist and titular character of the
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Rurouni Kenshin Uploaded by mememe2007: Profile | Galleries | Videos | Favorites | Fanbase | Clubs | Comments | Blog | Chat: Add a description of the contents of your
Apr 04, 2009 · I heard that the Rurouni Kenshin has sex and nudity in it. I’m just curious as to who is involved in the sex scenes and nudity. Also, does the manga
Kamiya Kaoru is the proprietor and acting instructor of the Kamiya Kasshin-ryū kenjutsu dojo in Tokyo and the female lead of the Rurouni Kenshin series.