Hi all, just wondering if anyone knows what purple nipples could be a sign of? Ive had swollen tender boobs for a few weeks with sensitive nipples but last night i
If you are not pregnant nipples are light, In the same time, the color of the nipples during pregnancy may be the same color as the areola, or lighter.
Help! I’m 20 weeks pregnant and my nipples are driving me crazy! They alternate in colour between blueberry blue and dark purple and are agony, it’
This morning I thought I had AF like cramps so I counted myself out, but if loose stool and purple nipples is a sign of pregnancy, I may have to keep myself in the
May 28, 2008 ยท I think i might be pregnant.. have some signs but i just notices yesturday that my nipples are dark and purple. i’m expected to start my period in 3 days
i have had purple nipples ever since i can remember, my lips and nipples are purple when I get out of the shower, but does turn normal color in a few hours.
I was just curious as to whether it was possible to have extremely purple nipples some days and very light tinged nipples other days and be pregnant.
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purple nipples ouch : Pregnant (Expecting) Active BnB Member . and also now since pregnancy both my nipples have gone dark purple