Home » Popular » Can You Get Pregnant From Precum? A man’s smegma is a mixture of a died off epithelial tissue and a you can’t get pregnant because
★ How Likely Is It To Get Pregnant Off Precum ★ Can You Get Pregnant For The First Time Ovulation After Ectopic Lost Tube How Likely Is It To Get Pregnant Off
Can you get pregnant with precum? Well, the expected answer and common answer is no. There are rare cases where living sperm can be presented in the precum and
Jan 18, 2012 · I just want to know can I get pregnant off of precum? I’m scared because I still haven’t gotten my period sense I had the baby., HELP PLEASE!! ⌂Home
Can you get pregnant when not ovulating, with Precum? | Mom Answers EXPERT ADVICE COMMUNITY BLOG PRODUCTS She needs to have ovulated in order to get pregnant.
Make a Difference Get informed and learn how you can take action on sexual health issues. Is it enough sperm to get a teen pregnant? Possible, but not likely.
Aug 23, 2009 · Yes, you can get pregnant off of precum. Also, anytime you have sex, you can get pregnant. Even if you are using birth control, condoms, AND spermicide,
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Can I get pregnant from first time sex? You definitely can get pregnant the first time .. and any other time that you have unprotected sex.
Can you get pregnant from the precum? Posted: about the question yes you can get pregnant off precum . posted 09/18/2012 by Lovebug_3 . Report answer.