Basic Principles of Nylon Fiber Production — The term nylon refers to a family of polymers called linear polyamides.
The portmanteau NYLON, also spelled NYLon or, less often, NY-Lon, starts with the concept of New York City and London as twin cities – the financial and
NYLON. video radar beauty news music culture fashion guys Shop. Subscribe. video; radar; beauty; news; music; culture; fashion; guys; shop; subscribe; Read More. Read
Dec 03, 2016 · Nylon was the first synthetic carpet fiber and is still popular for many reasons. Learn the difference between nylon 6 and nylon 6,6 and more facts.
Polyamide fibre, often called nylon, comes in 2 forms – nylon 6.6 and nylon 6. Nylon is generally quite resistant to heat, and is not appreciably affected by
Almost warp knitting fabric used Polyester and Nylon fiber for the raw material,following is the characteristics of Polyester and Nylon Fiber.
A simple introduction to nylon: what is it, how is it made, and what sorts of things can we use it for?
Special Features; The Magazine; Photos; Nylon Guys; Nylon TV; The Look; 4 Ways Autumn/Winter Trends Can Work For Us. You may not believe it, but sometimes, it’s a
Nylon netting includes various net, it can be made to shade net for agriculture, livestock, life. Also it is used for screening and printing industry.
Nylon is very much suitable for hosiery and the knitted fabrics because of its smoothness, light weight and high strength. Nylon is a lustrous fibre.