Funny clips from this Chinese guy Peter Chao. His accent makes everything hilarious. Adult Language!
China Jokes. Back to: Miscellaneous Jokes: What do you call an Asian receptionist? A: His thick accent affected his “Th” sound.
Documenting some of the more amusing misuses of the English language.
Feb 15, 2014 · Mix – Your Asian Accent Sounds Funny YouTube; THE ASIAN ACCENT TEST | Can You Tell Asian Accents Apart? – Duration: 7:49. Kento Bento 121,913 views. 7:49
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Jun 21, 2007 · funny asian accent humor comedian comedy laugh stand sketch china jokes hilarious comic humour asia how to speak with an eductional stereotypes standup
How To Speak Chinese Funny . This Essex is in the UK, not far from London, and the accent is not unlike cockney, but without the rhyming slang.
Chinese heavily accent English do not sound pleasant to our ears. Chinese is a tonal language, it sounds flat, and all words have the same length, speaking Chinese is
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Oh, herro! Talkee ’bout Asian Speekee Engrish here. This is a trope about race that is now largely a Dead Trope. This trope is in play when an Asian …