Origin and Etymology of spotted dick. dialect dick pudding, probably from the name Dick. First Known Use: 1849. SPOTTED DICK Defined for English Language Learners.
Spotted dick → Spotted Dick — A recent BBC article calls it Spotted Dick and not Spotted dick: Pudding renamed Spotted Richard. Thanks Smartse 18:05, 8 September
Dear Straight Dope: Can you shed any light on the etymology of “Spotted Dick”? It’s a British concoction, a steamed, log-shaped suet pudding studded with currants
How did Spotted Dick (as in Spotted Dick pudding) get its name? Spotted a very marly What is the origin of oil spot?
Dec 11, 2012 · So, what is it, anyway? Spotted dick is a traditional British pudding made from suet, or mutton fat. The suet is mixed with other ingredients, such as
Spotted dick is a British pudding, made with suet and dried fruit (usually currants and/or raisins) and often served with custard. It is made from a flat sheet of
For such a popular, well-known British pudding, the meaning behind its name is surprisingly mysterious. The first documented recipe of “spotted dick” was found in
Jan 22, 2014 · It’s been a while since I wrote a post on a good old British steamed pudding, and this is one of my all-time favourites. Spotted Dick is a great pudding
Spotted dick definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
spotted dick; summer puddings; tapioca pudding; Yorkshire pudding; zabaglione. What is pudding? The origin of haggis, as with many other national dishes, is obscure.