Why ATTRACTION Is #1 – and why men suck 24 shares + tristen ryan royal. Contributor. Self. August 7, 2010. Now, why do I keep putting “nice guys” in quotations?
Sex is the only thing that men care about. I can go on and on about why men suck for hours and hours–days and days, even–but the truth is, I love men.
Dec 16, 2011 · Answers to the question, How Many Married Guys Would Like To Suck And Play With Another Guys Cock Answers to Questions from People Who Know at Ask
Dear Tracy, I just have one question for you …. Why do men suck? Those four words are repeated by women all over the world, every single day.
101 Reasons Men Suck. They can’t settle down. Its like they have to spread their seed to everyone. All men are such hypocrites! If you’re their friend they’ll tell
Top 10 Reasons Some Men Suck (That’s Right – You Heard Me) Posted by admin. Date: June 08, 2010. in: Articles, Recent Posts (5) Comments. 10181 Views.
Why do men wish to suck the breasts of women they like? Is it a type of ego and lust, and a feel of an overpowering women they like? Update Cancel. Answer Wiki. 21
jaymac: Wife knows that I suck other mens cocks but does want to know we hen or where . She is NOT involed in myBI life style. John :P:P:P:P:P:P:P
Men Suck is an online community for women and offers a wealth of information on contemporary women’s issues such as relationships, career advice and more.